Reasons for fertility problems: Low rates of Vitamin D It is essential to check your Vitamin D status when you are trying to conceive as Vitamin D operates as a hormone and is carried in the blood to Vitamin D receptors present in almost all tissues. Vitamin D reduces inflammation and plays an important role
Pregnancy is undoubtedly a time of great change, mentally, emotionally and physically. One often overlooked area of change however is how pregnancy affects your thyroid, especially for individuals with pre-existing thyroid disease. Optimal thyroid function is crucial for your baby’s health and development, as well as for your health and
As per the best naturopaths in Sydney, the natural approach to treating infertility aims to address its root causes, by addressing all of the body systems, rather than just focusing solely on the reproductive system. Many couples who can’t fall pregnant suffer from a combination of sub-clinical conditions. These conditions
A lack of fibre and constipation It is well-known that a high-fibre diet is important for most people in order to promote regular bowel movements. When food remains in the colon for any extended length of time, it begins to putrefy which results in toxic waste that is taken up into
Empower Yourself For A Healthy Pregnancy After successfully falling pregnant, your thoughts will turn to experiencing a healthy pregnancy and a successful birthing experience. You will also want to give your unborn child the best possible start in life, and one of the ways you can do this is to improve
It is very important to keep your home as clean as possible. Vacuuming the carpets regularly will help to keep dust mites at bay, carefully washing items like your blender to remove germs, replacing bathroom items like face cloths, sponges and loofahs on a regular basis will also help avoid
Thanks to research and education, awareness is increasing amongst consumers regarding the hidden dangers in some ordinary household goods ranging from personal care items to food-packaging, plastic containers used for storage, certain items of furniture and even some children’s toys. Before the results of intensive research pointed to the dangers of
What is a low sperm count? When the sperm count, which is the concentration of sperm per millilitre of semen, is abnormally low, there is a greatly reduced chance of the female egg being fertilised. This is construed as a degree of infertility. After a year or more of unprotected sex, if
Dorota Wroblewska is an experienced Naturopath and Nutritionist in Sydney. Dorota specialises in women's health, natural fertility, preconception care and reproductive healthcare for men and women. Dorota also offers natural health solutions for all health concerns, including digestive disorders, thyroid problems and adrenal dysfunction. Dorota is also a Neurofeedback trainer, using NeurOptimal® brain training system.