It is very important to keep your home as clean as possible. Vacuuming the carpets regularly will help to keep dust mites at bay, carefully washing items like your blender to remove germs, replacing bathroom items like face cloths, sponges and loofahs on a regular basis will also help avoid
Thanks to research and education, awareness is increasing amongst consumers regarding the hidden dangers in some ordinary household goods ranging from personal care items to food-packaging, plastic containers used for storage, certain items of furniture and even some children’s toys. Before the results of intensive research pointed to the dangers of
What is a low sperm count? When the sperm count, which is the concentration of sperm per millilitre of semen, is abnormally low, there is a greatly reduced chance of the female egg being fertilised. This is construed as a degree of infertility. After a year or more of unprotected sex, if
Infertility rates worldwide are on the rise and if current trends continue, the adults of tomorrow could be worse off than their parents are today. Studies have shown that the increased use of cell phones and wireless devices has had a dangerous and negative effect on male fertility potential. The safety
It is a known and observable fact that infertility is a prevailing concern in today's modern world, amidst the rise of medical breakthroughs and scientific innovations. Hence, before reaching the point of having to get treatment for fertility problems, men and women of child-bearing age should be more vigilant and
Issues and concerns relating to fertility, or the ability to conceive and bear children through normal sexual activity, have become increasingly alarming in today's modern world. Despite of, and most probably because of modern technology and advances in medicine, as well as environmental changes and hazards caused by chemicals, men
Dorota Wroblewska is an experienced Naturopath and Nutritionist in Sydney. Dorota specialises in women's health, natural fertility, preconception care and reproductive healthcare for men and women. Dorota also offers natural health solutions for all health concerns, including digestive disorders, thyroid problems and adrenal dysfunction. Dorota is also a Neurofeedback trainer, using NeurOptimal® brain training system.