What Is Infertility? Infertility is a broad term applied to couples who have been unable to conceive after 12 months or more of trying to fall pregnant. Fertility is always a complex, intensely personal issue. A protracted struggle to fall pregnant, even with some form of fertility treatment, can lead to feelings of
Are You Struggling To Conceive? Many people are searching for meaningful ways to combat infertility. Some couples will go for natural fertility options, while others will opt for the surgical procedure route i.e. In Vitro Fertilization, or IVF. If you are having difficulty falling pregnant, your first choice should be natural
Male Infertility Is Much More Common Than You Think A great number of men are affected by impaired fertility. Unfortunately this problem is often not diagnosed until tests for male infertility are done because a wife or partner has difficulty falling pregnant. A positive diagnosis showing that you have infertility issues,
MTHFR Polymorphisms Our genes have a significant influence over our health and they may have variations, called single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), affecting the way we process nutrients or our dietary requirements. MTHFR Polymorphisms affect the metabolism of folate and may predispose these individuals to a variety of nutrient deficiencies. MTHFR gene provides
Infertility Crisis Is Growing Researchers have estimated that today approximately 1 in every 10 couples are struggling to conceive naturally. Experts also predict that this number could almost double in the next 10 to 15 years. These rising infertility rates point to the fact that modern-day foods and imperfect lifestyle
Miscarriage Prevention And Treatment A miscarriage is sometimes also known as a spontaneous abortion, which is the loss of a fetus, most often in the first 6 to 20 weeks of pregnancy. At this stage, the fetus or embryo is not developed enough to survive outside the womb. The Psychological Effects Of
Dorota Wroblewska is an experienced Naturopath and Nutritionist in Sydney. Dorota specialises in women's health, natural fertility, preconception care and reproductive healthcare for men and women. Dorota also offers natural health solutions for all health concerns, including digestive disorders, thyroid problems and adrenal dysfunction. Dorota is also a Neurofeedback trainer, using NeurOptimal® brain training system.