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In-clinic Screening

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When you visit Solutions To Health we take the time to prepare a comprehensive health assessment and case history for you.

Please call me on 02 9398 8052 or email me at dorota@solutionstohealth.com.au to book a free 15 minute consultation session.

Food Intolerance Test

Green arrowAre you bloated after eating certain foods?

Green arrowDo you suffer from headaches for no apparent reason?

Green arrowAre you tired at certain times of the day?

Green arrowAre you reacting to the foods you eat?

Blood Type Test

Over the thousands of years of human evolution, four types of blood have developed. These apparently parallel the migrations and processes of civilisation in human society.

The original human blood type of our hunter-gatherer ancestors, known as the ‘O’ type can be traced back over 40,000 years.

Five to ten thousand years later, in the Himalayan highlands, the nomadic herders arose, and with them appears the ‘B’ type.

Finally, only 1000 years ago, the ‘AB’ type became evident as a result of the tumultuous racial mixing that occurred with the many invasions of that time.

The next type to appear was the ‘A’ type, which seems to accompany the rise of agricultural societies in the middle east around 20,000 years ago.

Your Blood Type Determines How Your Body Reacts To The Foods You Eat

What makes this all clinically relevant, is the existence of lectins – abundant and diverse proteins found in the majority of foods. Lectins are surface markers that aid inter-cellular adhesion. For instance, they help bacteria adhere to cell surfaces to facilitate infection and they enable our immune systems to identify and destroy those same organisms. And lectins can react with blood type agglutinogens.

Depending on which lectins a food contains, some foods may be harmful to a person’s physiology, others will be neutral, and yet others may actually be beneficial. This is the basis of the Blood Type Diet, developed by Dr. Peter D’Adamo.

Ever wondered what your blood type you are? We can effectively test for it, using only a drop of blood to confirm your blood type. Your blood type determines your susceptibility to illness, which foods you should eat and how you should exercise. It is a factor in your energy levels, the efficiency with which you burn calories and your emotional response to stress.

It is particularly of clinical significance if you experience any immune-related symptoms, such as allergies, poor immunity or even autoimmune disease. By establishing your blood type we are able to formulate an appropriate eating plan to help you achieve your health goals.

This article on Blood Type Test was provided by the Metagenics.

When you visit  Solutions to Health we take the time to prepare a comprehensive health assessment and case history for you.

 Make an appointment by simply calling us (02) 9398 8052
or email dorota@solutionstohealth.com.au


Homotoxicology is a scientifically proven and extensively research practice, that studies the influences of toxic substances in the human body, where symptoms and disease are seen as a result of the biological resistance to toxic substances.

According to this therapeutic model, the type and severity of illness are determined by the duration and intensity of an individual’s toxic load in relation to the body’s inherent capacity for detoxification.

Ultra-low concentration remedies often are used as a treatment to balance specific regulatory pathways and systems in the body. We use urinary and salivary PH testing in the clinic to determine the appropriate treatment protocol.

This article on Homotoxicology was provided by the Australian Society of BioRegulatory Medicine.

When you visit  Solutions to Health we take the time to prepare a comprehensive health assessment and case history for you.

Make an appointment by simply calling us (02) 9398 8052
or email dorota@solutionstohealth.com.au


Iridology is the assessment of the body according to the irides (the coloured area of the eye). The iris is one of the most complex structures of human anatomy.

To an iridologist, specific areas of the irides correspond to specific organs, tissues and body areas; and colours and textures suggest biochemical changes. The topography of the iris as it relates to the rest of the body has been mapped by practitioners over the last 400 years.

Iridology does not diagnose or name diseases but can identify areas or organs which may be weaker, be overactive or underactive or have poor waste removal. Iridology does not involve psychic analysis, is not able to determine your lifespan or predict the time of death.

It does not reveal pregnancy or the presence of gall stones, kidney stones or cancer as these do not have any nerve supply feeding information to the brain. It cannot confirm the presence of viruses, bacteria, parasites or other pathogenic influences or identify the gender of a person.

Signs in the iris may show areas within the body that are inflamed, overactive, degenerating or underactive. This will suggest an area of dysfunction that requires support. For example iridology is unable to confirm whether you have kidney stones, however, signs in the iris may suggest that the kidneys are a weaker organ in relation to the rest of the body.

The iris may show signs of inflammation or degeneration of the kidneys. Or the iris may show signs of darkening over the bowel area indicating metabolic wastes are not being removed efficiently compromising the functioning of the kidneys.

Therefore even though the organ manifesting the disease may be the kidneys, the bowel will need to be addressed also to treat the underlying cause and prevent the problem reoccurring.


Most of our articles is provided by Metagenics – Genetic Potential Through Nutrition.

We employ the services of renowned, technology advanced laboratories, both Australian and internationally based, who provide expert, reliable, quality testing protocols.

When you visit  Solutions to Health we take the time to prepare a comprehensive health assessment and case history for you.

Make an appointment by simply calling us (02) 9398 8052
or email dorota@solutionstohealth.com.au


Dorota Wroblewska ND, BHSc

I am a Sydney based Naturopath and I am passionate about Women's Health, Natural Fertility Treatments and Infertility Management. I am also a Neurofeedback Practitioner using NeurOptimal® brain training system. I specialise in optimising Fertility, Women's health, Preconception care, Reproductive Healthcare for men and women, Miscarriage prevention and managing Menopause. I use both conventional and complementary health care methods to diagnose and treat health issues. I provide very effective treatment, using evidence based natural medicine and guide and support my patients to achieve better health. Personally, my own experience using complimentary Medicine has reinforced my belief and passion for helping people to be healthier.

This website offers health and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

About Solutions To Health

Dorota Wroblewska is an experienced Naturopath and Nutritionist in Sydney. Dorota specialises in women's health, natural fertility, preconception care and reproductive healthcare for men and women. Dorota also offers natural health solutions for all health concerns, including digestive disorders, thyroid problems and adrenal dysfunction. Dorota is also a Neurofeedback trainer, using NeurOptimal® brain training system.

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