A miscarriage is sometimes also known as a spontaneous abortion, which is the loss of a fetus, most often in the first 6 to 20 weeks of pregnancy.
At this stage, the fetus or embryo is not developed enough to survive outside the womb.
The Psychological Effects Of Suffering A Miscarriage
A miscarriage, or the loss of a developing baby, even in the early stages of pregnancy, is traumatic. This is especially true for someone who has been having infertility treatment.
Feelings of loss, confusion and sadness abound, which need to be worked through. For a while, there will be real grief, which with time it does get better, although some days will always be hard.
What Causes And Risk Factors Can Be Attributed To A Miscarriage?
The actual reason/s for a miscarriage can’t always be accurately determined. Some causes for a miscarriage or a spontaneous abortion may be linked to common factors, but the reasons differ from person to person. Some of the common factors are- genetic disorder, imbalance of hormones, various antibodies, medical reason including fibroids, can be to blame.
Infertility Treatment
Treatment for infertility is also a strong risk which can induce a miscarriage. A couple who have had a long period of infertility treatments would be extremely happy to receive news of a successful conception. However, after a long time of infertility treatments, their hopes could be dashed by the threat of an early miscarriage.
If you have undergone infertility treatments in the form of IVF, there is even a greater chance of a miscarriage occurring, if the fertilised eggs do not adhere to the uterus.
Is It Possible To Prevent A Miscarriage From Taking Place?
With the correct treatment it is certainly possible to avoid a miscarriage, or substantially avoid the chances of it happening. If you have suffered a miscarriage in the past, it is also advisable to consult a practitioner to evaluate your chances of a recurrence. There could be underlying health issues that need attention before planning a future pregnancy, especially in the case of infertility treatment.
Simple Actions That You Can Take To Lower The Risk Of A Miscarriage
- Prepare ahead of time for your pregnancy. Preconception care, combined with natural therapies, will have a positive effect on preparing your body for childbearing.
- Cultivate a healthy diet, rich in natural nutrients.
- Adopt good lifestyle habits.
- If you are very overweight, lose the excess weight before becoming pregnant. Obesity increases the risk of miscarriage, so reaching a healthy weight will decrease your chances of spontaneous abortion. Being overweight will also lower your chances of successful infertility treatment.
- No alcohol, no smoking while pregnant!
- Keep active, with plenty of gentle exercises. Avoid vigorous exercise or contact sports, which might result in an injury.
- Stay in close contact with your practitioner, particularly if you have undergone infertility treatment. Report any unusual changes in health issues.
What Can We Do To Help?
The program from Solutions To Health, incorporates preconception care, will put you on the path to a successful pregnancy and birth.

We will guide and assist you to create a healthy reproductive system, built on a solid healthy foundation. Our natural remedies and therapies, combined, if necessary, with infertility treatments, will optimise your chances of carrying a healthy baby to full-term.
Personal, expert and compassionate guidance and treatment through a program tailored for your individual needs, will dramatically decrease your potential of a heart breaking miscarriage.
Read more on what is infertility treatment?
Success Stories: After 13 unsuccessful IVF attempts over 4 years I came to Dorota having heard from a friend about her success in treating infertility. Dorota put me on a program of supplements and herbs and after 3 months I was showing a drastic improvement in my egg numbers and embryo quality. Read More the full Success Story : Drastic improvement in my egg numbers and embryo quality
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