Are You Struggling To Conceive?
Many people are searching for meaningful ways to combat infertility. Some couples will go for natural fertility options, while others will opt for the surgical procedure route i.e. In Vitro Fertilization, or IVF.
If you are having difficulty falling pregnant, your first choice should be natural fertility treatment which is safe and non-invasive.
IVF should be earmarked as an option when all treatments have failed to result in pregnancy.
What Exactly Is IVF?
IVF is the surgical harvesting of eggs from the ovaries, fertilised in a laboratory with sperm collected on the same day, then placed in the uterus for the embryo to develop into a fetus.
The procedure, which is costly and often complex, needs to be performed in a hospital theatre. A partial or general anaesthetic may be required.
IVF is invasive, and risks could be involved.
What If IVF Is The Only Hope Of Becoming Pregnant?
There are natural therapies that can help prepare your body to accept the IVF procedure. For the best chance of success, this preparation should begin about 3 months before undergoing IVF treatment.
This will enable your body to adjust to a possible new diet & lifestyle changes and will also allow for your emotions to settle, so you can make an informed decision.
Preparing For Pregnancy
Whether you opt for natural fertility treatment or the IVF procedure, it is very important that your body be ready for pregnancy.
When your chosen treatment is complete, you will be pregnant, with ongoing support for your reproductive system successfully in place.
The right nutrients will also be available, working to nourish your body in the vital early stages of pregnancy.
What Can We Do To Help Increase IVF And Natural Fertility Success Rates?
At Solutions to Health, headed by Dorota Wroblewska ND, BHsc, Natural Fertility specialist, the causes of your infertility will be thoroughly researched.
Once that has been established, you will be guided through the top natural treatment options for increasing your IVF success rate and fertility issues naturally.
Herbal medicine, homeopathic remedies and nutritional supplements contain no chemicals and have absolutely no side effects,when used carefully by an experienced practitioner, thus removing the fear of damage to the fetus should you fall pregnant.

The Solutions to Health program will recommend prenatal nutrients needed to optimise your health. These may include good quality B Vitamins, Vitamin C, Folic Acid, Zinc and anti-oxidants, among others.
You will be guided to a lifestyle change which embraces a healthy eating plan, supervised detoxification programme encompassing removal of external and internal toxins.
At Solutions to Health your unique needs will be focused on, as you receive the individual attention and counselling you deserve.
Your emotions and body will indeed be ready to receive and cope with an IVF procedure or if possible a natural fertility option.
Solutions to Health have produced many happy, healthy moms, dads and babies! We have an abundance of success stories, and would love to add you to our family of successful parents.
Read more on: What is IVF/ART Support?
Success Stories: I went to see Dorota when I found out we needed fertility treatments in order to conceive. The thought of IVF can be extremely overwhelming but with Dorota’s help both my husband and I felt empowered, healthy and well supported all the way through my treatment and beyond. Read the full Success Story : We needed fertility treatments in order to conceive.
Robyn Sing