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Women’s Health

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Hormonal Imbalance

Menstruation begins with puberty and is a natural progression and part of life right up to menopause. Painful menstruation and premenstrual syndrome should not be the norm, and it often indicates that you might be suffering from hormonal imbalance. Issues Relating To This Uniquely Female Syndrome Hormones are an integral part of every

Pregnancy, Labour And Breastfeeding

Pregnancy A normal pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks before the happy day of childbirth arrives. The gestation period, or pregnancy, is divided into 3 trimesters, with specific developments for mother and baby during these stages. Each trimester is roughly divided into 12 weeks, with each trimester having a unique period of bodily

Sleep Disorders

Common Sleep Disorders Which Keep You From A Better Quality Of Sleep From time to time, a great many of us have experienced problems getting to sleep and staying asleep. This is perfectly normal and generally of a temporary nature, mainly due to stress or some other outside factor. An uncomfortable

Increased Immunity & Wellness

The Truth About Your Immune System And An Optimal Level Of Health The strongest protector against disease is your innate immune system. However, the immune system works best when you have an optimal level of health. The body continually produces immune cells, among them T-cells, a type of white blood


What Is Menopause? Menopause happens because the ovaries no longer produce the female hormones estrogen and progesterone, putting an end to your menstrual cycle, effectively shutting down the reproductive system. As you go through the menopausal stages, menstruation could return for a while and then disappear again. Take care during this

Weight Loss

Overweight Is A Universal Problem Due to the modern-day fast-paced daily lifestyles, people are eating on the run, mostly snack type takeaways, and are having to face a constantly growing weight problem. Eventually, when the clothes no longer fit, you decide to implement a weight loss plan, which includes a regular

Healthy Aging

Healthy Aging Should Be Everyone's Long Term Goal One time or another, we have all heard a variation of that phrase. However, thanks to scientific research, there is an alternative – a new way of aging. You no longer have to age the way your parents or grandparents did. With the

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a severe hormonal imbalance common to women of reproductive age. In most cases, many smallish cysts manifest mainly along the outside edges of the ovaries, always causing pain as well as the development of an irregular menstrual pattern. This condition is now recognised as a complex endocrine disorder

This website offers health and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

About Solutions To Health

Dorota Wroblewska is an experienced Naturopath and Nutritionist in Sydney. Dorota specialises in women's health, natural fertility, preconception care and reproductive healthcare for men and women. Dorota also offers natural health solutions for all health concerns, including digestive disorders, thyroid problems and adrenal dysfunction. Dorota is also a Neurofeedback trainer, using NeurOptimal® brain training system.

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